
Showing posts from June, 2009

Transcoding video for OLPC XO using VLC on OSX

This is more a note to myself than anything else, but perhaps someone else will find it useful? I certainly find it useful to transfer DVDs over to the kids' OLPC XOs running teapot's Ubuntu intrepid distro for XO . On OSX using VLC , the following will transcode a video stream/file down to something that will play well without skipping on an OLPC XO 1.0. I.e., a theora/vorbis file named w/ the ogg extension using a 320x240 resolution at 15fps. -You'll wind up with an out.ogg file in the current working directory. Open an editor and save the following to a file named vlc2xo: #!/bin/sh /Applications/ -I dummy -vv "$1" \ --sout='#transcode{width=320,height=240,scale=1,vcodec=theo, \ vb=768,acodec=vorb,ab=64,channels=2,deinterlace, \ audio-sync}:standard{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=out.ogg}' \ vlc:quit Make it executable: chmod 755 Now, you'll be able to open terminal and execute the script with an argu...

Catalyst::View::Mason Documentation ne Implementation

I've got an old gentoo Apache mod_perl Mason site which I maintain for work. Mostly it is used for mining data from our less than desirable issue tracking system (Soffront Track) in order to help make realistic guestimates of what we can deliver and when. It is running on an old quad xeon box that we'd experimented with, and decided not to use in production. Since work is a "Microsoft" shop, it has long been an item on my todo list to move it over to a windows box... but for some reason, I've never really gotten around to it. However, a couple years back I did do the least amount of work necessary to get it to run in a windows w/ Catalyst::View::Mason environment. I've changed laptops a couple times since then, Perl 5.10.0 was released and Catalyst 5.8. So last week, I reinstalled the latest version of all of the above on my laptop so I could take my work with me on the go. I found that I had to add: __PACKAGE__->config(use_match => 1); to my ...::View::...