Raku: Advent of Code 2020 - Day Twelve

Below are my Raku solutions to Day Twelve puzzles for the 2020 Advent of Code. No effort was put into making things cleverly concise. 

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6.d;

my $face = 'E';
my $c = <E S W N>; # compass
my %c = (E=>0, S=>1, W=>2, N=>3); # reverse lookup
my ($x, $y) = (0, 0); # ship location

my ($direction, $qty) = (~.substr(0,1), +.substr(1));

$direction = $face if $direction eq 'F';
given $direction {
when 'N' { $y += $qty }
when 'S' { $y -= $qty }
when 'E' { $x += $qty }
when 'W' { $x -= $qty }
when 'L' { my $i = %c{$face}; $i -= $qty div 90; $i = $i mod 4; $face=$c[$i]; }
when 'R' { my $i = %c{$face}; $i += $qty div 90; $i = $i mod 4; $face=$c[$i]; }

say "Part One: {abs($x) + abs($y)}";

($x, $y) = (0, 0); # ship location
my ($u, $v) = (10, 1); # waypoint

my $qty = +.substr(1);
my $d = .substr(0,1);

given $d {
when 'N' { $v += $qty }
when 'S' { $v -= $qty }
when 'E' { $u += $qty }
when 'W' { $u -= $qty }
when 'F' { $x += $u * $qty; $y += $v * $qty }
when 'L' {
given $qty div 90 mod 4 {
when 3 { ($u, $v) = ( $v, -$u) }
when 2 { ($u, $v) = (-$u, -$v) }
when 1 { ($u, $v) = (-$v, $u) }
when 'R' {
given $qty div 90 mod 4 {
when 1 { ($u, $v) = ( $v, -$u) }
when 2 { ($u, $v) = (-$u, -$v) }
when 3 { ($u, $v) = (-$v, $u) }

say "Part Two: {abs($x) + abs($y)}";


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